here are some pictures from my 97/98 band trip to tampa and orlando, florida. we marched at the outback bowl, and marched in a parade at disney world. it was alot of fun.
the band getting ready for a concert in tampa, florida...
our band (one of many) at the outback bowl half-time show in tampa, florida...
the band in front of the 25th anniversary castle at disney...
getting ready to march in the daily parade at disney world...
a picture of me, aladdin, jasmine, amanda, and friends at epcot...
here I am, with a bunch of my friends, in front of alien encounters at disney. i personally hate this picture of me. that was way-back-when i slouched ALL THE TIME. i don't anymore, but anyhow, i thought everyone else looked good in our matching band shirts.
this is a picture of some friends, and fellow band members, at the mall in tampa.
a picture of the opening of disney land...