The "Hey, don't I know you?" Ring Homepage

What is the "Hey, don't I know you?" Webring?
The "Hey, don't I know you?" Webring is a ring that was created to link friends who know each other. Its pretty small right now, but in time friends of friends of friends will join. It could be gigantic!

How do I join?
Simple, just go to the bottom of this page, and fill out the form, you'll then be entered into the queue. Then I'll send you the html fragment to put on your main page, and if someone in the ring knows you, you'll be added. Its that easy.

NOTE: When applying, remember that I will see your chosen password. So choose wisely!!!

Here's the form to fill out:

Submit form for the "Hey, don't I know you?" Ring

Site Title:
Site URL:
Who you know in the ring:
Password: Please choose a password. (Remember, I can see it....)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Here's what the ring looks like:

This "Hey, don't I know you?" site is owned by
The Ringmaster.

Hey, do we know you?

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